A little of me!

My photo
My Name is Laura and I have just got married to my fantastic husband who I have been with since June 2007! We are expecting our first child together due next month :-) and we have a fluffy black and white cat called Loki who we have had since March 2008 when he was a tiny 8 weeks old! I love travelling, photography and healing. I have a diploma in Holistic Therapy (Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Swedish Body Massage) which I got in 2004. I hope to continue my knowledge this year as I had to have a break from it due to my wrists. I know that having my little boy is going to change my life for the better and we have so many dreams for him :-) We also have our own production company Xtreme Productions. check it out! www.xtreme-productions.net

Wednesday 10 February 2010

My Wonderful Parents!

I didn't leave them out of my last blog accidentally, I actually thought they deserved a post all of their own! Without these 2 people, our wedding day could not have been the success it was! my dad worked for weeks and weeks to get everything right from the food and drink, scouting the location, borrowing a posh car! and my mum also :-) so just wanted to say a huge thankyou to them from myself and on behalf of Aaron aswell!


The day I became Mrs Weight!!

I wanted to attach a few pictures from the day, it was fantastic, the weather was brilliant although freezing!! and we had an amazing day!!!!!

so signing off for the first time..... as..... Mrs L Weight!!!

Just got to wait 6 more weeks for the birth of my little boy now! wooo <3

Sunday 24 January 2010

Hen Night Madness!

Ok LOL so not really madness haha as currently like a hippo with SPD.. not too glam!

I have some great friends, my friends Ellie and Emma came up from London, hadn't seen Ellie in ages as she's been in in Oz for a while! then my other good friends from round here that I went to school with, Nancy, Amy, Liz and Lynday :-) all came too. We had a lovely big chinese at the best chinese round here, was very yummy! and they decorated our table and made me wear a veil and sash and flashing badges galore!! was fun ;)

I dont regret not drinking at all, even if i wasnt growing a mini me id still have had the night exactly the same, was a bit of a cheek having a boy come! but he didnt know what was going on :P

Get to see him again tomorrow at my growth scan!!! and seeing the consultant! woooo
also i get my Fiance for a week then my husband for a week!!! OMG feels so wierd saying that!! im gonna be a wife AND a mummy before my birthday eeeekkkk <3

His cot and everything is all sorted :) and if he was to be born today (fingers crossed hes not lol) i could quite happily look after him with all the stuff ive got!

So yeah, and end to a great week and a start to 2 more fantastic weeks!

Off to pick up my lover from the station now :)

take care everyone xxx

Tuesday 12 January 2010

About the New Year

Hey everyone :-)

Don't know what inspired me but thought i'd update the blog as its been quite a few weeks now.
Im now a few days off 30 weeks pregnant and getting very excited to meet my little guy, he's going through stages of being really active for 2 days then really calm! he's chilling out this morning as he was giving me the boot most of last night!! but i'm beginning to love feeling him move :-)

Cannot believe the wedding is so soon already!! The first time i'l be donning a dress in a while!! lol
My friend Emma came up to stay for the weekend which was great as we were scared the snow would get in the way but it didnt :) she has now got her dress so we are sorted!

I'm looking forward to this year so much! When little man comes out then i can focus (not on just losing the 'baby weight') but getting myself fit again, what a perfect time for me to be having him! as Aaron and I will have all summer to go for long walks and to the beach, and by christmas he will be facinated by the colours and he tree, Im very excited!

Mum and dad are thrilled too! first grandchild and dad couldnt be more proud that he's a grandSON lol!!

Im also getting the buggy of my dreams thanks to my wonderful Aunt and Uncle, its a wedding present and will help me soooo much as its a high buggy and i wont have to bend too far to pick the little man up!

Name is still a tight secret so don't ask!!! haha its the one suprise we have for announcing at birth as everyone already knows he's a boy! haha

My bump is HUGE now!! i love it but its quite heavy to lug around lol good job i dont have to do much at the moment, im betting it will be soo much bigger by the time he's born!

Can't believe in a matter of weeks i'l be Mrs Weight hahaha!

I hope to get back into my Holistic Therapies if i can in the next year, wrists permitting, it seems such a long time ago I got my diploma in Holistic Therapy and a shame not to use it since I have an expensive massage couch in my garage!! also id like to focus more on my healing as I cant do it whilst pregnant as its too draining, but all things to consider for the future.

Well best leave it here guys!

speak soon!!

Loz xxx

Saturday 19 December 2009

26 weeks 1 day!

so only 14 weeks left now until my terror is here :P been a hectic week!!
Had my MOT done on my car thanks to my mum and dad who payed for that and a service on it for christmas :) yay!!

Went and had an AMAZING 4D scan of my little man, he is so cute!!! (still definatly a boy too! hehe) he has cute kissable lips and a button nose!! got a copy of the dvd and also 76 pictures!!! so bargain and was the best christmas present i could give myself :P

The snow has been quite spectacular, started whilst we were in London, watching the 39 steps (which is so funny, you must see it if you havent already!) and i was groped by my female friends, the first experience of having girls going gooey over my tum hahaha

I do look like im smuggling a basketball now though, especially at night!

So spent a few days with Aaron as i was snowed in down there and he wouldnt let me drive home bless him!! but it was fun and i wish i could have stayed longer, but i got appointments up here i need to go to :( still, il be with him in a week, for a whole week! :)

I took some pics whilst driving back of the snow from Hertfordshire into Suffolk so il attach some :)

Hope everyone is well and looking forward to Christmas... after that.. the countdown to the wedding begins! :):):)

Wednesday 9 December 2009


heya everyone,

i'm 24 weeks and 5 days pregant today, it's going so fast now!!! can't believe that if he was born now he could survive! my tummy is still quite small but i feel him booting me away hehe! he's been quite strong today but it may just be coz im chilling out and notice it more.

Had my Glucose Tollerance Test on monday so am waiting now for the result and i'm seeing my midwife on friday for my 25 weeks :-)

got my 4D scan next week so i get to see his gorgeous face for the first time, i'm soooo excited!!

I can't wait to be a mummy now, him and Aaron together are my life and I can't wait for us to be a proper family! we've waited long enough! lol


Sunday 29 November 2009

A week beginning...

So here I am at Aarons mums for a week, staying with my lovely fiance, its great being together and absence does make the heart grow fonder!
Baby Weight is kicking alot again today after a quiet period so now i'm thankfull when i feel him as i know he's ok!

I upgraded my iPhone early to the 3GS and have a buyer on eBay for my old one, so as soon as they pay i'm sorted as i can then afford my mammoth phone bill from last month!!

Going shopping for mexican food that Aarons going to make tomorrow so im quite excited about that!! and Tuesday i think we may be going to the Tate to see the new exhibition!

So all is well here, just thought i'd write an update as I have nothing to do!

Oh and yes i'm missing you already mum :P hope you are feeding my fish! xxx